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Art Licks

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Art Licks Issue 28, cover design by Margherita Huntley

Issue 28

Issue 28

Simon & Tom Bloor
Roo Dhissou
Séan Elder
Faisal Hussain
Ikon Youth Programme
Cheryl Jones
Jaskirt Kaur Boora
Ryan Kearney

Sahjan Kooner
Emma McKinney
Sofia Niazi
Alis Oldfield
Elvin Sanders
Emily Scarrott
Cathy Wade
Gavin Wade

Art Licks Issue 28 marks the third and final stage in Art Licks’ recent Trilogy project, for which we have produced three issues of the magazine (26 – 28) from different cities: Newcastle, Bristol and Birmingham. The aim was to explore varying practices and artist communities across the country; their entrepreneurial methods of collaboration, structures of support, adventurous programming and tactics for sustainability.

This issue has been produced in Birmingham with guest co-editor, Andrew Gillespie. Andrew is an artist and organises Recent Activity, a curatorial project delivering a programme of exhibitions and events in Digbeth, Birmingham.

The Editors chose to focus on the title: The Idea of a City, to think about how our relationship with the city has, or might have, shifted over the last few years. What are the opportunities for a city in 2022? How can a city be reimagined through an art practice, and how can a city’s communities be integral to new ideas? 

The resulting contributions offer a specific glimpse into a group of artists working in Birmingham and how the environment they live and work amongst influences their practices.

Editor: Holly Willats; with Guest Editor: Andrew Gillespie
Design: Margherita Huntley; Copy Editor: Max Alletzhauser; Printing: The Pale Green Press

Art Licks Issue 28 is funded by Arts Council England