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Art Licks


This new issue of Art Licks investigates and interrogates the use of Black & White as a lens, a filter, and an eye in contemporary visual culture.


In 2020, as one becomes ever-immersed in a technicolour landscape of digital technology, we feel it is significant that the use of Black & White as a lens for representation and experience is not diminishing. Through the magazine, invited contributors will investigate the use of Black & White as a lens, a filter, and an eye in contemporary visual culture. The aim of the project is to interrogate the use of B&W and grayscale in lens-based media.


Contributing artists and writers
Holly Antrum, Ibrahim Azab, Marianne Bjørnmyr, Jessie Bond, Krasimira Butseva, Victoria Louise Doyle, Lucas Gabellini-Fava, Hannah Hughes, Lina Ivanova, Steff Jamieson, Ryan L. Moule, Hatty Nestor, Giulia Parlato, Giovanna Petrocchi, Marie Smith, Evie Ward, Duncan Wooldridge


Guest Editor, Tom Lovelace; Editor, Holly Willats; Design, Margherita Huntley; Copy Editor, Bella Marrin; Printed by The Pale Green Press


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Issue 25 + P&P

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